Meet the team: Peter Newman

Job title: Director

When did you join Morrison Design? 1997.

How did you get into architecture? I’ve always had an interest in design and knew I wanted to turn my passion into a career. I did work experience at a local architecture practice when I was around 14 years old and I’ve never looked back! I joined Morrison Design as a junior, completed an apprenticeship and the rest is history as they say.

What are you currently working on? We’re really busy with hotel projects at the moment – I’m currently working on The Westbury Hotel, Washington House, Holiday Inn in Kensington and The Sloane Club. I’m also working on the Lubrizol project.

Which project are you most proud of? We worked on a new luxury destination hotel in the Cayman Islands – it was a complete reimagining of a building and the site opposite had been destroyed in a hurricane. Unfortunately, it was never built but I really enjoyed working on that one!

What do you love most about your job? Nothing is ever the same, there’s always new challenges. It’s hard to get bored in a job like this!

What are your ambitions for Morrison Design? To continue to grow the business and further enhance our reputation in hotels, nuclear and specialist laboratories. I want to ensure we retain the ethos of a small family business however big it grows. We want it to be an enjoyable, relaxed and rewarding place to work.

Why should clients choose to work with Morrison Design? We’re always attentive to our clients needs and aspirations. We always want to do a good job, and this shows through our repeat clients who are at the core of our business. We pride ourselves on being a traditional yet visionary practice which manages all areas of design, management and administration.

And just for fun…

Favourite building: The Barcelona Pavillion

Favourite food: Anything Italian!

Favourite brand: Tom Ford.

Something you dislike: The Beautiful South (sorry guys!)

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