The site was purchased with existing planning permission in place for a 95-bedroom hotel. Our talented team at Morrison Design worked within the approved footprint and envelope to redesign and space plan, generating an additional 37 bedrooms.

We then further increased the number of guest rooms from 132 to 141 by redesigning the lower ground floor level to create nine new guest rooms with access to daylight via a lightwell. This innovative approach tested Dublin’s planning stance of basement rooms being unacceptable, however after appeal, it was finally approved – a first for Dublin.

“We were involved in this project from inception, creating all architectural design drawings that were submitted for planning applications. We helped to obtain planning approval and successfully overcame planning objections related to the history of the site. We’re really pleased with the outcome for the client, creating a 48% increase in guest room capacity.”
Peter Newman-Earp, Director at Morrison Design

Morrison Design will further increase the hotel capacity by an extra 33 keys with the addition of two floors to the current scheme which, when complete, will see the hotel capacity increase to 174 rooms with amazing views over Dublin.