Job title: Architectural Assistant.
When did you join Morrison Design? Summer 2022.
How did you get into architecture? I really enjoyed my art and design at A level at school so it started from there. I then did some work experience at a practice in Nottingham and that really cemented it for me.
What are you currently working on? A couple of projects – Sloane Club in London and a hotel and leisure project in Cornwall. They’re both very different so present unique challenges but I’m very much enjoying both projects.
Which project are you most proud of? One of my university projects – an arts centre based in Leicester. It involved the refurbishment of and old, disused factory. The idea was to turn it into an arts centre for creative industries which encompassed offices, exhibition space and a link to the other buildings and outside park space.
What do you love most about your job? I love problem solving. Working within a team and seeing how each individual can bring new ideas to create a bigger and better solution.
What’s it like to work at Morrison Design? I’m really enjoying it here. The team are super nice, helpful and supportive. There’s lots of very experienced people in our team who are generous with their time and knowledge which I’m very grateful for as it’s wonderful to be able to learn from them.
Why should clients choose to work with Morrison Design? All the team here truly value the relationships with have with our clients. There’s always transparency and integrity at all times which, along with our experience, is why our clients trust us to do a great job.
And just for fun…
Favourite building: The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao by Frank Gehry – I did a study on it at university and it’s fascinating. It’s so different and not like anything I’d seen before.
Favourite food: I love Italian – pizza and pasta are my go to!
Favourite brand: Nike – I’ve had Nike for a long time and the designs and quality are always great.
Something you dislike: I can’t stand black pudding!